Why you should outsource a beauty copywriter

If you operate in the beauty industry, one outsourced service you might engage with is a professional beauty copywriterThere are many reasons why businesses decide to outsource some or all of their work. Businesses of every size do it, across every function and industry. Pâtissiers outsource photographers. Florists outsource freight handlers. Magicians outsource marketing specialists. If you’re thinking about outsourcing your beauty business’ copywriting, these considerations can help you decide.

You want an outside perspective

People tend to get very bogged down in creative decision-making because they’re too close to the project. It swirls in their mind endlessly. Ideas get tangled up and overcomplicated. They feel overwhelmed and experience decision paralysis. The best way to counter this is to bring an outsider into the fold.

A beauty copywriter can offer creative advice and solutions for projects including product naming, packaging, descriptions, and campaigns. They can also synthesise information and present the most pertinent points in brand books, decks, and messaging documents.

Best for: big decisions, advice, and fresh perspectives.

Not ideal for: projects with a rigid set of expectations.

You want to save time

If you’re spending far too long on ideation, researching, writing, and editing your brand or business’ copy, asking someone else to do it frees up your time. While it might be tempting to ask an enthusiastic colleague to do your beauty copywriting, it’s important to consider if they’re actually the best person for the job.

Putting their technical skills aside, do they have enough time to do it? How long will they spend on it? Would they be better off adding value to the business in other ways? When you look at it from this perspective, it might be more productive to outsource a beauty copywriter. (Bonus: it might also be more cost-effective than hiring an employee.)

Freelancers are generally time-efficient people by nature, as their work depends on managing and maximising their own schedule. Beauty copywriters in particular possess the know-how to make their copy sound magnificent, without labouring over elements like grammar and structure.

Best for: busy founders, managers, and creatives.

Not ideal for: businesses with very short deadlines.

You want to appeal to more customers

Whether you have a product or service-based beauty business, it’s important to communicate with your ideal customers or clients effectively. It’s a major part of the consumer journey. It’s how you’ll convince them to buy or book with you. And it’s absolutely worth investing in.

Working with a beauty copywriter can open you up to new ideas about engaging with your target market, and practical solutions about how to do it. This also affords you a chance to receive feedback from someone highly engaged in the beauty industry. It’s a service and consultation all in one!

Best for: brands and businesses excited by growth and improvement.

Not ideal for: those who would rather stick to what they know.

Amy Hadley

Amy Hadley is a beauty copywriter with a background in print journalism, digital media, public relations, and eCommerce. As someone contributing to the beauty industry, she encourages her clients to use words creatively, sincerely, and responsibly. This is to promote more honest and thoughtful communication in the beauty industry, and better serve its consumers.

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